Do you?
1. Use Microsoft Outlook on your laptop or PC and have a need to increase efficiency for yourself and/or your team?
2. Use MYOB Classic, MYOB Retail Manager, or Ostendo to record sales against your customers and want a really effective Customer Relationship Management programme which talks to the customer and sales information you already have?
If you answered yes to either question, youGROW™ can improve your efficiency, and increase your sales. youGROW™ offers a unique range of products and services specifically developed and priced for small businesses, with one-on-one coaching to make sure you achieve your goals.
- Our Customer Relationship Management Software - (CRM) - youGROW™:
- Our customer relationship management software - youGROW™ runs directly within Outlook – no jumping in and out of another software system. Stay within the familiar interface you have open all day every day.
- youGROW™ talks to your existing MYOB, MYOB Retail Manager or Ostendo data. No Rekeying – one database. You have a lot of information about your customers already.
- Our Outlook Training:
- Of the estimated 1.2 billion users of Microsoft Office, so many only use Microsoft Outlook to send and receive emails. And yet Microsoft Outlook is one of the most powerful business tools you have – it can almost run your entire business within Microsoft Outlook – if you know how.
See more about what we do under “Services”